Park House, Rochester, Vermont

Admission Criteria

Who is eligible to live at Park House?

Park House is equipped, primarily, to serve the needs of people over age 60; however, consideration will be given to qualifying persons less than 60 years of age.

Residents must be of sound mind and physically self-reliant, able to move about independently either on foot, with a walker, or with a wheelchair.

An elevator provides access to rooms on the second and third floors. Four resident bedrooms on the first floor, each with a private bath, are handicapped accessible.


Admission Requirements and Procedures:

Applicants for admission to Park House must be of sound mind and physically self-reliant, able to move about independently either on foot, with a walker, or with a wheelchair.

Any restrictions, priorities, or special criteria will be applied equally to all applicants, regardless of referral source, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, disability, and marital or veteran status.


Admission Criteria:

A visit to PARK HOUSE and an interview with the Executive Director is recommended before an application is submitted.

Application forms must furnish the following:

  • complete information with the applicant’s signature
  • references from three persons
  • completed medical form
  • a verifiable statement of income
  • a complete and accurate emergency form

Applicants on a waiting list for more than 3 months must furnish updated medical and financial reports when a room becomes available.

All persons whose applications have been approved for admission and who have been so notified will be admitted when space is available.

Residents will not be asked to leave because of another’s greater need or claim.

Residents are required to regularly update emergency forms. Periodically, Park House's management may request an updated medical form.